My Week of Reading (23 - 28 December 2019)
By Carmen, 29 December 2019
Hello everyone,
I managed to get a little bit of reading done this week due to the public holidays – which means I got two blog posts out.
Killer Domes and the Chosen One by Gibbo Gibbs:
Amazon: Amazon Review - Killer Domes and the Chosen One
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Killer Domes and the Chosen One
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Killer Domes and the Chosen One
by Eliot Pattison:
Amazon: Amazon Review - Bones of the Earth
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Bones of the Earth
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Bones of the Earth
Monthly Reading Goals:
Alright, so I’ve been able to start a leisure book – but chances are very good that I most likely won’t finish it by the end of December and will only finish it next year in January.
Last Word:
I’m not sure how the next week is going to go – it’s almost the new year.
At the moment, I’m currently reading ‘Killer Soul Mate’ by Anne Rothman-Hicks and Ken Hicks as well as the leisure book. I’m hoping to have at least one review up next week.
Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,