Highlights of the Month - July - September 2021
By Carmen, 1 October 2021
Hello Everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve done a wrap up; reading had been fairly slow up until about August. I’ve read a few good books in those few months, so here are some highlights:
- You Think You Know Someone by J.B. Holman
- Crucible of Fear by D.W. Whitlock
- Spies Never Quit by M Taylor Christensen
And then a bit of a last mention of a book that while I might not have thoroughly enjoyed it, it was a book that I nonetheless quite enjoyed:
- Kolkata Noir by Tom Vater
Last Word:
October is looking to be a busy reading month. I’ve got a few review books as well as quite a few leisure reading books. I’m looking forward for October being the month of all things horror and spooky, and have got some things lined up – both books and movies – for the month. Perhaps I’ll mention some of these things in my next wrap up.
What are you looking forward to in October? Anything in particular that you will be reading, perhaps even watching? Let me know on social media.
Hope you had a great month of reading,
Chat Soon,