My Week of Reading (23 - 28 March 2020)

By Carmen, 29 March 2020

Hello everyone,

This week has been chaotic – especially at work. Since the lockdown in our own country (South Africa) happened on Friday, everyone’s been scrambling to get things done. Which means that reading hasn’t been great this week and that I only got one review out.

Shame on You by Amy Heydenrych:

Amazon: Amazon Review - Shame on You

Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Shame on You

Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Shame on You

Monthly Reading Goals:

Alright, so I think I have started this one – I’ll definitely keep you updated as to what’s happening in this area; I’m guessing that I’ll probably be giving more feedback next week.

Last Word:

Since we’re on lockdown – it means that I’ll have more time to do things; one of them being reading.

What I plan on doing is catching up on all the things that I don’t get to during a normal work week. So we’ll see how that goes. At the moment, I’m still reading ‘The Goldfinch’ by Donna Tartt (I can imagine you’re probably wondering if I’m ever going to finish this book – don’t worry, I’ll get there), and then ‘Murder and the Muse’ by Alexei Bayer. Another review book I’ve picked up is ‘Dark House of Dreams’ by Joe Pawlowski – I previously read ‘The Watchful Dead’ which was by the same author and this one seems to be a continuation of the series. I’m hoping to get at least one review out next week.

Hope you had a great week of reading,

Chat Soon,