My Week of Reading (25 - 30 November 2019)
By Carmen, 1 December 2019
Hello everyone,
Alright, so I got a fair amount of reading done – this week has been slightly busy; so I only got one review done.
The Curious Case of the Missing Head by Gabriel Farago:
Amazon: Amazon Review - The Curious Case of the Missing Head
Goodreads: Goodreads Review - The Curious Case of the Missing Head
Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Curious Case of the Missing Head
Monthly Reading Goals:
Alright, so I unfortunately didn’t manage to get any leisure reading done in November – but I’m hoping that the month of December will go better.
Last Word:
I’m not sure how this coming week is going to go – December is usually a busy month for me; but I’m still hoping to get some rest in.
At the moment, I’m currently reading ‘Colombiano’ by Rusty Young, and I’m hoping to get a review out this coming week with that particular book, and am hoping to start another one or two books.
Nanowrimo unfortunately didn’t go as planned, but I’m hoping that next year I’ll have sufficient time to get this fitted in my schedule.
Hope you had a great week of reading,
Chat Soon,