My Week of Reading (11 - 16 November 2019)

By Carmen, 17 November 2019

Hello everyone,

It seems like I got a fair amount of reading done this week – and managed to get two review out.

The Transkei Run by Michael Taljaard:

Amazon: Amazon Review - The Transkei Run

Goodreads: Goodreads Review - The Transkei Run

Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Transkei Run

One thing I’ll definitely say is that it was nice reading a book from a South African again. Anyways, onto the next review.

The Tissue Trail Conspiracy by Garth Gunston:

Amazon: Amazon Review - The Tissue Trail Conspiracy

Goodreads: Goodreads Review - The Tissue Trail Conspiracy

Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Tissue Trail Conspiracy

Monthly Reading Goals:

Alright, for now I seem to be on par with my review reading – so I’m hoping to have an update for this next week. At this stage it’s extremely likely that I will most likely get to this still.

Last Word:

It’s slowly starting to quieten down with my errands, so I’m hoping to get some good reading in this coming week. At the moment, I’m currently reading ‘Spirit of the Wayah’ by Shea R. Olivier, and if things go as planned, I’m hoping that this is one of the reviews that I’ll have up next week.

I’m hoping to get two reviews up next week, but we’ll first have to see how the reading goes.

Hope you had a great week of reading,

Chat Soon,