My Week of Reading (8 - 13 July 2019)

By Carmen, 14 July 2019

Hello everyone,

Even though I did do some reading this week, I have been busy with other things – so I only managed to do one review this week.

Olivia Voorhees by Aubrey Law:

Amazon: Amazon Review - Olivia Voorhees

Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Olivia Voorhees

Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Olivia Voorhees

Monthly Reading Goals:

Though I have done tiny amounts of leisure reading this week – I’ve been focusing more on my review reads; which means I haven’t gotten to this yet. So let’s see how the review reading goes – I’m still hoping to get to this.

Last Word:

Since I’ve been focusing a lot on review reading this week (with little bits of leisure reading in between) – I’ve gotten some interesting books on the go.

At the moment – there are two review books I’m reading: ‘Thirteen Across’ by Dan Grant and ‘Number Ten’ by Robin Hawdon; and I’m really enjoying them. I plan on doing two reviews this coming week – so let’s see how that goes.

I’m not sure how reading’s going to go this coming week – since I’m not sure how my schedule for the week is going to go.

Hope you had a great week of reading,

Chat Soon,