My Week of Reading (2 - 7 December 2019)

By Carmen, 8 December 2019

Hello everyone,

I’ve had a decent reading week; though like last week – I only managed to get one review done.

Colombiano by Rusty Young:

Amazon: Amazon Review - Colombiano

Goodreads: Goodreads Review - Colombiano

Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - Colombiano

Monthly Reading Goals:

I’m hoping to get my review reading done early this month so that I can try and start a book in leisure reading – so let’s see how that goes. I’m still hoping to get a fair amount of leisure reading done for December.

Last Word:

I’m not sure how this coming week is going to look – I’ve got some errands on the go; and will generally be busy for the month of December. At the moment; I’m busy with three review books: ‘The Plea on Oath’ by Lorna Marie, ‘Traitors beyond Insanity’ by MM Justine and ‘Bones of the Earth’ by Eliot Pattison.

I’m hoping to get at least one review up next week – either of ‘Traitors beyond Insanity’ or ‘The Plea on Oath’.

At this point in time – I’m a little bit behind with my Goodreads Reading Challenge; but I’m still hoping to catch up.

Hope you had a great week of reading,

Chat Soon,