My Week of Reading (2 - 7 September 2019)

By Carmen, 8 September 2019

Hello everyone,

I didn’t get a huge amount of reading done this week; though I did manage to get one review done.

The Neon God by Ben D’Alessio:

Amazon: Amazon Review - The Neon God

Goodreads: Goodreads Review - The Neon God

Here is my blog review of the book: Blog Review - The Neon God

Monthly Reading Goals:

I haven’t gotten to this yet – though it is looking like a possibility for this month.

Last Word:

Reading is going alright so far this month. I might manage to catch everything up; though I guess it’s still early days. Things seem to be generally going better this month.

At the moment, I’m busy reading ‘The Betrayal of Ka’ by Shea Oliver, and it seems to be good so far. I haven’t quite planned out my reading month yet, but it’s coming along a lot better than it did last month; so I should read at least three books this month, if not more. I’ve also been able to do small snatches of leisure reading here and there.

I also plan on doing a blog post about the health issues that I had in August, where I’ll be going into a little bit more detail about the whole thing. I’m hoping that I’ll be making more progress on it this coming week.

Hope you had a great week of reading,

Chat Soon,